What is the difference between a CNC punch and a high speed punch?

2017-08-28 10:34:19 Mr.Li 53

What is the difference between a CNC punch and a high speed punch?

What is the difference between a CNC punch and a high speed punch?

CNC punch and high-speed punch is two completely different things, CNC punch for the multi-station to produce sheet metal-based equipment, high-speed punch is the production of hardware and electronic products based punch, the two industries a little difference, not An industry, can say two things nothing to do!
Sorted in different ways:
1 by speed points; general low-speed punch is about 110 speed, high-speed punch is 200 ~ 1100 times / min or so, ultra-high speed punch 1100 or more per minute,
2 according to the control method is divided into ordinary punch and CNC punch
CNC punch may be high-speed punch, high-speed basic are CNC punch.
CNC punch: is the abbreviation of digital control presses, is a machine control system with automatic machine tools
High-speed punch: the speed of each minute to reach 200-1100 times the speed of the punch

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